Friday, 20 July 2012

Defining Globalisation:

How does one begin to define globalisation!?!? As I am studying a arts/commerce degree when it comes to defining globalization I cant help but define it in a business related way. My understanding being that Globalization is the nations of the world becoming more closely linked than ever before through the breaking down of traditional barriers to trade, cultural flows etc.

Comparing this definition to Robertson’s slightly arrogant take on defining globalization ‘as a concept that refers to both the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole.’[Roberston, R, 1992] Robertson uses long and quiet intense words to get across his feelings on globalization. The idea of globalization is constricting or reducing the world is not exactly accurate as in fact it is opening more doors through cultural and social means.  As there still are many different cultures present in our society today and some still haven’t embraced the ‘norm’ or what is considered to be mainstream. The most obvious example of this is seen through the widespread increase of cultures embracing different cultures traditional food and drink.

Therefore to accurately define globalization, one cannot skip over the importance that it brings to cultures, society at large and how it is not exactly compressing society but more so the opposite by opening the world up to embrace and experience others way of life. 

Nettl, J.P. and Roland Robertson. 1968. International Systems and the Modernization of Societies. New York: Basic.


  1. Hey Renee, good opening post, very consistent! I like the way in which you deconstruct Robertson's definition, I agree with you that it isn't extremely accurate and disregards growth of cultures. One thing that I think you could improve on is you could be more specific with your exemplification of certain cultures embracing traditional foods and drinks. Other than that, great work, keep it up!

  2. Hi there, I enjoyed how you started off this blog in relation to your personal perspective of it due to what you are studying. With 250 words as the limit I think you've done a good job in explaining such a complex term with so many theories. The way you compared your opinion and a scholarly definition of it was quite gutsy and highly enjoyable to read and compare. The fact that you not only defined globalization from a financial point of view but also added the fact that there are also cultural facets to this definition was smart of you recognise.
